Photo (c.) 2022 Used by permission

New Shooter Introductory Sessions and Live Fire CHL Credentials
Our Most Popular classes are listed below.
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For more information call 541-237-1047.
Photo (c.) 2022 Used by permission
Our Most Popular classes are listed below.
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For more information call 541-237-1047.
Welcome home. It doesn't matter if you are taking your very first lesson with a brand-new gun or working towards an advanced certification. You've come to the right place to begin your journey. This is the source for ethical, effective, and professionally prepared classes. The instructor sets the overall foundation for your training. Many of our clients say they feel more like family, which is how it should be. How experienced are we? In the past decade, we've trained most of the other folks teaching in the Rogue Valley. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.)
We have 3 certified NRA Credentialed Instructors on staff, each who is not only experienced but continuing to build their skills.
We offer classes onsite and in your home or business. Our classes are individual, two-person, and classroom. We offer specialized classes like our "Ministry of Defense" for religious organizations and "Agent Awareness" for Realtors.
Because your family is a key priority, please ask about our two NRA Certified full-day programs: "Personal Protection in the Home" and "Personal Protection Outside the Home".
Come on by and meet our family of instructors: Phil Grammatica, C.J. Wolff, and Bill Bateman.
Fall Updates
To simplify bookings, you request the date you would like to attend. We are discontinuing Specific days and times except for the Saturday Concealed Carry sessions. There is a new season of podcasts available too.
What does a gallon of milk, $3 worth of change, and a handbag strap have to do with self-defense? You may not know it, but you already have what you need to escape an attacker. The human body comes fully equipped with 10 self-defense tools. Combine that information, some items you already own, knowledge, and practice and you have Non Ballistic Self Defense. Originally only available as part of the Women's Program, we now offer it as a stand-alone class.
You will learn Situational Awareness, body mechanics, how to effectively punch or kick, use body mechanics to your advantage, and more. Ideal for two people to learn as a team, then practice for proficiency.
This course is perfect for the new gun owner combining classroom and range time, and learning to shoot revolvers or semi-automatic pistols. It is also perfect for those planning on purchasing a firearm.
Safety is ALWAYS your top priority with any firearm. With classroom and live fire experience, you will learn:
Plus tips and suggestions you can only learn from an experienced instructor.
This session includes Live Fire. This means hot brass may be rapidly ejected by the person standing next to you. For that reason, you are urged to wear a cap with a brim, a closed shirt with long sleeves, long pants, and solid shoes. For all classes, approved eye and ear protection is mandatory.
*Each person attending must complete the registration form.*
For larger groups please call to register.
If you do not have a handgun: When you book a class you may use one of ours with advanced notice. There is an additional $10 cleaning fee plus the current market cost of ammunition due at the time of registration. The prices vary but it is normally about $20. You may choose to bring your own new ammo. NO reloads are permitted. Please confirm your choices during the registration process.
Second Saturdays 9 AM-3 PM
This 6-hour Class covers: -Firearms and the Law. - Situational Awareness plus Self-Protection. - Avoidance. - Critical Decisions and The Use of Deadly Force. Safe Gun Handling, Pistol Knowledge, Concealment Holsters. - Live Fire Practice.
The Arizona Package is an additional $25, ($35 When take separately) and follows the OCHL class AT 3 p.m. The “Non-Resident” Arizona concealed carry package includes Arizona requirement fingerprints, application, and package mailer.
This session includes Live Fire. This means hot brass may be rapidly ejected by the person standing next to you. For that reason, you are urged to wear a cap with a brim, a closed shirt with long sleeves, long pants, and solid shoes. For all classes, approved eye and ear protection is mandatory.
*Each person attending must complete a registration form.*
For larger groups please call to register.
Please choose your options on the registration page.
You’ve earned your concealed carry handgun license
Take the next step to being well-prepared!
Join us for this LIVE FIRE COURSE. It is specifically designed to help you develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to carry and use your concealed pistol responsibly, ethically, and with confidence.
The objectives we will be working on:
· Where on my person can I carry? Where should I personally carry it?
· The basics of using a holster
How to get to your firearm when necessary:
* standing *sitting *walking* prone
· How to defend your gun
· Techniques for avoiding life-threatening confrontations.
· Reloading under stress
· The critical techniques for utilizing cover and concealment.
· Developing your defensive mindset
Classes are kept small to ensure personal attention and a safe training environment. For all classes, approved eye and ear protection is mandatory.
*Each person attending must complete a registration form.*
For larger groups please call to register.
This class is for Home self-defense. Are you thinking you’ll come out on the winning end of a home invasion, just because you keep a shotgun by your bed? That is wishful thinking at best unless you are prepared.
We will show you how to maximize the usefulness of your shotgun in a close-quarters situation, such as the hallway of your home. We will look at reload techniques and how to stage your gun for maximum efficiency. Change the odds to your side when you are in your home with this class.
3rd Sunday of each Month 1-4 pm
*Because the Active Shooter Defensive Scenario class is so intense it requires an advanced level of firearms training and experience. It is necessary to ask about your other firearms training (such as our Concealed Carry Mastery, Women’s Defensive Series, etc.) and experience for qualification to this class. Please include that in the Registrations Comments section.
Each month brings a new Defensive Scenario Class adding tactical thinking and movement to your skillset. Begin these sessions at any point. In each session, you will learn to move tactically and shoot while paying attention to the world around you. Do you think you could win a real-life, multi-target showdown? There is a good reason for running many different types of drills while learning to defend yourself.
These Scenario drills not only help you build the skills you might need in a fight but will assist in creative ways on the “fly” to deal with the bad guys. A scenario drill training requires you to do multiple things forcing you to divide your attention. We cannot tell you what will happen in a gunfight because yours will be unique. It will be different than any other. We will train you to keep your eyes on the front sight while seeing the targets and the surrounding elements. Scenario training teaches you spontaneous tactical moves to protect yourself, loved ones, or those who cannot protect themselves.
You will be:
All classes are kept small in size to ensure personal attention and a safe training environment.
*Each person attending must complete a registration form.*
For larger groups please call to register.
Each session is 2 Hours: $30/person or $50 per Couple.
"What would you do if an emergency happened, Right Now?"
In today's changing world, you are the first responder until help arrives, no matter how long that may take. It is a hard truth that sometimes help may not come in time. Are you and your family prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 30 days? Take your first steps with our 4 classes. We offer a whole family approach based on our 8 years of podcasts. Designed for young or old, this is for you
Class One: Prepping for Home (To Stay)
Class Two: Prepping for Bugging Out ( To Go)
Class Three: Prepping your Car (When you are out)
Class Four: Prepping your Work Place.
Air, Food, Water, First Aid, Shelter, and Defense are just the tip of the iceberg. You'll learn step by step how to build your supplies and the knowledge to use those supplies effectively. Each class comes with an online list of suggested links as well as connections to other classes we offer for a complete approach.
Class sessions are on-site. We will come to your location for Churches or Clubs. The class size is kept small to encourage participation and questions. Large groups are limited to 50 people.
When you book a class you may use one of ours with advanced notice. There is an additional $10 cleaning fee plus the current market cost of ammunition due at the time of registration. The prices vary but it is normally between $20 and $30 due to shortages and fluctuations.
Feel free to bring your own new factory ammo. NO Reloads are allowed. You must let us know during the registration process in the comments section and we will confirm the details.
You can view the full Oregon Firearms Federation post in a browser here:
Today, as expected, and to the surprise of exactly no one, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 1503 onto the full Senate with a “do pass” recommendation on a party-line vote.
Submitted testimony was overwhelmingly in opposition even after a gun control group supplied bogus statistics that were cut and pasted by numerous people supporting the bill.
Make no mistake, 1503 is another effort to end gun ownership and make you pay to have your rights stolen. (Republican Senator Bill Hansell is a sponsor.)